2019年1月25日1 分鐘Awarded 5 Years Plus Caring Company Logo (2012 – 2017)We have been awarded the “Caring Company Logo” from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service for the 5th consecutive year(2012-2017),...
2019年1月25日1 分鐘Interview for Part Time Jobs - Mystery Shopper in Hong Kong by JET Magazine (Published in June)Source: JET Magazine
2019年1月25日1 分鐘Happy Company 5 yearsWe have been awarded the “Happy Company 5 years” from Promoting Happiness Index Foundation for the 5th consecutive year.
2019年1月25日1 分鐘2018 Q3 MSHK Key Performance Index (MKPI)MKPI (MSHK Key Performance Index) is established by MSHK which under MPEG (HK) Limited. The purpose is to set the indicator for each...